Only the Strong Survive

Strongman meets Powerlifting

* Unsanctioned meet / No membership required

* No weight classes

* Weigh-ins required for DOTS and placing

ENTRY FEES: $75 per athlete.

Entry form link

PROMOTERs: Matt Webb & Nadia Morrison & Alan Thrall

DATE: October 29, 2023
TIME: 9:00AM contest start; rules at 8:30AM; 24 HOUR Weigh ins, the day before and the morning of the competition required for determining your DOTS score as well as taking measurements for Squat and Incline Log Press.
LOCATION: UNTAMED STRENGTH, 5780 Auburn Blvd, #D, Sacramento, California 95841

EVENTS: Events and weights are subject to change

Events will run like a powerlifting meet. Lifters will get 3 attempts to lift their maximum weight. Your total will be used to find your DOTS score.

The top 3 in men’s and women’s division will earn a cash prize.

Men & Women

Max Squat

Any brand of knee sleeves allowed. Belts allowed. Knee wraps and squat suit or squat briefs are not allowed

Incline Log Press

Any brand knee and elbow sleeves allowed, wrist wraps allowed, belts allowed. No knee or elbow wraps or briefs allowed

Max 18” Axle Deadlift – Conventional stance only.

No deadlift suit allowed. No briefs allowed. No knee wraps allowed. Knee sleeves are allowed, and straps are allowed. Hook straps are not allowed